Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Modern Transcendentalists

Modern Transcendentalists
            A modern day transcendentalist is Malala Yousafzai. She is an education activist. She values imagination and intuition over reason and logic. She put her life on the line to get her message out. She knew, logically, that the Taliban would most likely come after her. They had already destroyed many girls’ schools in the area.  She, instead, chose to ignore logic and to go with what she thought was right in society.
            She embodies non-conformity and individualism. She stood up and stood out by making the protests she was. By doing this, she was taking risks. No one else was brave enough to do what she did and say what she said. She was being herself, an individual.
            Malala believes humans are divine. She showed this through her actions. She had enough faith in herself and others to continue on even when threatened. Believing that people can do anything they set their mind to, she, a young girl, stood up to the government trusting in herself.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Value of Poetry

     There are many advantages from learning about poetry. It can help someone to look at certain issues in a different way than they would maybe initially think of. For example, poetry causes people to think more about the subject, leading to different ideas and opinions. Poetry can express emotions in ways that may not be possible other ways. An example of this is: if something can't be bluntly said, it can be said through metaphors. Poetry also helps overall understanding of the English language through figurative language used. Due to these advantages, poetry is important. Everyone should learn about poetry at least once, but if poetry is forced upon someone more than needed, that person will learn to dislike anything to do with it. Poetry should be learned and appreciated in moderation.

Friday, September 7, 2012

The American Dream

         The American dream is something unique to each person. To me, it is the ability to get a good education. This will most likely lead to a job that benefits the individual in some way. This will then, hopefully, lead to success. Success, no matter how each person interprets the word, is the overall goal of the American dream. Opportunities are what can lead to this success if the person chooses the best path for their goal. To summarize the American dream in my own definition, education leads to a job, which then has the opportunity to lead to whatever success you strive to achieve.
         This is similar to the "usual" American dream. Both involve education. The "usual" most of the time involves going to college and graduating. After graduating, people would then pick a job that provides a steady income so they can then start a family. Today, the usual American dream is starting to change to fit today's society. Less people are picking the usual American dream as their goal in life. Instead, they're using the opportunities that may open up to them.